When you need on-the-go access to any file, Online File Folder is the smart, secure solution. Say goodbye to the hassle of carrying around storage disks, removable memory, or emailing important files to yourself! Online File Folder gives you instant access to all your important files and even lets you synchronize files on your computer with your Online File Folder so you’re always working on the latest version.
Think of Online File Folder as your own personal piece of the Internet. Store, access, and share presentations, spreadsheets, reports … even large files like music, photos, and film clips. Online File Folder’s generous storage makes it a snap – and you can add storage affordably, anytime you need it, all the way up to a whopping 10GB.
Online File Folder:
- Keeps your files bank-vault safe. You control access with password protection and powerful 128-bit encryption keeps your files secure from thieves and hackers.
- It's oh-so easy to use. Access, share, and manage files and folders right from your desktop.
- Lets you backup, store, retrieve, and share your files anytime, from any computer that has an Internet connection.
- Bypasses ISP restrictions on email attachment size. Just email a link to the file you want to share, instead of the file itself. No more bounced emails, waiting for files to upload and download, or clogged inboxes.
- Makes it easy to manage your storage space. You can compress and expand even the largest files with a mouse click.
- Is affordable. Just pennies a day give you a slick interface, ample storage space and instant access to your files.
So why hassle with patchwork fixes to your on-the-go file needs? Get your own personal piece of the Internet today and have secure synchronized access to your files in the office, at home, or on the road with Online File Folder!
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